Valentines' Day Promotion

Our Mermade Hair Wavers are 10% OFF between February 1 - 14th 2021. This Valentine's Day we are celebrating YOU! 

This year, you may not be with a significant other or able to leave our house but that isn't going to stop you from going full glam and popping a bottle of champagne to celebrate getting through the year! 

Valentine's Day Promotions:

-FREE bottle of Champagne* with any hair extension purchase (no coupon code needed)

-10% OFF Mermade Hair Wavers

*Substitutions are available to those under the legal drinking age or those who do not consume alcohol*

#valentinesday #vdaysales #valentinesdaycampaign #justboughtithair #hairextensions #lovememore #celebratingYOU #missindependant #mermadehairwaver #mermaidwaves 

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